5 Tips For Organizing Your Life: Spring Edition

Raise your hand if you feel like you need to get your life together… yeah, me too!

Now that it is Spring, it is time to do some Spring Cleaning! Spring Cleaning doesn’t have to be limited to your house or car, though. Sometimes, it’s bigger than that. Sometimes you need to clean up your life: your mind, your habits, your lifestyle.

Organizing seems like a close-to-impossible task. I have put together a list of 5 tips that may help us be more organized in all areas of our lives!


Tip 1: Start with a list

Okay, so if you know me, you know that I am a list maker. Every day I make a list of the top 6 things to do that day. Writing lists helps make my day, the hour and the task seem less intimidating. That’s what I hope writing a list for ‘Spring Cleaning’ will do-help make organizing easier! I definitely need these steps.


Tip 2: Use Small Increments of Time

Don’t empty the entire contents of your closet… unless you have the help of your sisters like I did! Work on small parts of it at a time. You could be stuck with the mess all over a room if you are unable to finish the task entirely during one cleaning session. That creates the problem of having to live around the mess until the project is complete. And trust me, NO ONE wants that!

I like this idea of cleaning 15 minutes at a time. Obviously some spring cleaning projects will require much more time than that, However, you can do several 15 minute sessions throughout the day. It is a great way to work in cleaning slots around your regular schedule.

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Tip 3: Clean out your car, your purse, and your bedroom!

Okay, so this may sound random. What correlation does your car, your purse, and your bedroom have? A lot, actually! These three places can cause a lot of stress when messy and cluttered. See, your bedroom is the first place you see when you open your eyes and the last place you see when you close them. If your bedroom is cluttered and messy, you’re setting yourself up to be stressed out. Your car may not be the first or last thing you see, but it is what other people will see! I need to work on this one. Just like your bedroom, you are setting yourself up to be stressed out by keeping your car cluttered. Lastly, your purse. Every woman who carries a purse knows that your purse can be a blackhole, hard to find anything! Cleaning your purse, car and bedroom will help keep you stress-free, guaranteed! This tip, minus the bedroom, has been a problem for me. It seems like I never have time to clean my car or my purse… I know that is an excuse.


Tip 4: Be sure to schedule time for you!

The best way to have an organized mind is taking care of yourself! Whether it is by getting a massage, reading a book, burning your favorite candle, or going for a walk- take time for yourself! Well, I score high on this one!

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Tip 5: Declutter!

A popular book is Marie Kondo’s “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” One of the questions she recommends you ask yourself when decluttering is, “does it spark joy?”

Does this shirt, this piece of decor, this kitchen gadget bring me happiness? Does it serve a purpose to me in my life? Would I buy it today? These are all great questions!

Decluttering can help you organize your life, and it is such an easy task!

Okay so those are 5 tips for organizing your life! I hope you find one or two that resonate with you and inspire you to get started! I know it has gotten me fired up to work on these tips! What tips do you have for organization? Leave a comment below!

Samantha Colvin